Hi there! We are Laura, Bella and Mia - owners of Glory & Grace Co. 
A little about us...

Bella Grace is 16 and in her junior year of high school! She loves any kind of smoothie, people, reading, journaling, talking, going on walks at sunset, and spending her babysitting money the second it hits her pockets. She sings on our church youth worship team, loves the Lord with all of her heart and lives that out genuinely every single day. To know Bella is to know God's grace. His unmerited favor. She is a friend to everyone and a deep feeler like her mom! She is all things beauty and grace.
Mia Glory is 13 and in 8th grade this year. I've always called her my little peanut and I don't think I will ever stop. She is our glory girl. She is light and joy-goofy, funny, silly, an observer and a snuggler to a few select people if she's in the right mood. She loves a good movie day with plenty of snacks, music, and has a gift for remembering the words to any song after she's heard it once. Mia notices details, remembers everything, and has one of the sweetest spirits you'll ever know.

And then there's me - Laura! I am the middle of 4 kids. I was born in Texas but the beach is my absolute happy place. I could spend all day out in the sun, reading a book and jumping in the waves with my kids. I met my husband Brandon when I was 19, we were engaged by the time I turned 20, and married a week before I turned 21. Asher- our oldest was born right after I turned 22. We've been married for nearly 20 years in November,  have 4 kids here on earth and 5 babies waiting for us in heaven.  We've walked through many mountains and valleys as a family, but the joy I have in being a mom and wife has been worth every single second. I love sunsets, fresh flowers, and a good rainy day now and then. 

We can't wait to grow this community with all of you and share all the things we love with you! 
Laura, Bella, Mia.